Inclusion Program
Mission Statement:
At Bayview Glen Camp we welcome campers of all exceptionalities to be part of our camp community. Our goal is to ensure that all of Inclusion Campers take an active role in the camp community and that they are fully integrated into all activities with support.
How our Inclusion Program Works:
Prior to the start of the summer the Inclusion Director will connect with all the inclusion families to set up an introduction meeting. The purpose of the introduction meeting is better understand each camper’s individual needs and supportive strategies. Following the meeting a Camper Profile document is created that outlines the individualized support plan for each camper which includes key strategies and background information. Following the creation of the camper profile it is then shared with the camper’s inclusion facilitator. During pre –camp all inclusion facilitators are carefully trained and then paired based on skill set and personality with an inclusion camper.
While at Camp:
Our goal is to ensure a partnership between camp and home. We ask that our inclusion facilitators fill out daily communication book to let parents know about the happenings at camp. In addition we have a smile of the week email. That email includes a picture of your camper engaged in a camp activity.
About the Inclusion Director:
Our inclusion Director Kayley Core is returning for her second summer. She is passionate about all things inclusion and ensuring that our inclusion campers are well supported and integrated into the camp community. During the school year Kayley was an intervention support worker in the York Region District school board. With the focus on supporting child and youth with exceptionalities within the classroom. In addition providing staff training on how to support students with exceptionalities. We are excited to welcome her back again this summer.
Please select the '1:1 Inclusion Support' session option for each week you are registering for during the registration process. If you have any questions give us a call at 416-449-7746 or send us an email at

Parent Testimonials
“Bayview Glen Day Camp has been such a wonderful experience for our daughter. The inclusion program creates an environment where she is welcomed and included in the camp community by staff and her fellow campers alike. Through this support she has been part of activities we never thought could be possible like dance and musical theatre. At Bayview Glen, inclusion is different, it's about “what we can do” instead of “what we can’t”.”
Kirsteen - (Parent of a 2019-23 Inclusion Camper)
“Our son has special needs (non-verbal; developmental delays) and had never previously experienced summer camp. So when we found out about the inclusion program at Bayview Glen we were both excited and nervous for this opportunity for him.
After two weeks we are pleased to say Bayview Glen was exceptional in providing a positive, fun, and learning environment for him. The program introduced him to new activities and the one-on-one inclusion instructor helped him throughout the day. We received photos of him smiling and engaging with other campers which eased our anxiety and made us comfortable for him. We are happy to see the staff, inclusion coordinator, and director standing outside to greet campers and parents, at both the beginning and end of every day, with an enthusiastic hello and smile.
Thank you Bayview Glen for making our son's first time camp experience an amazing one!”
Agnes & Aaron – (Parents of a 2023 Inclusion Camper)
“Every day he came home happy, with a full tummy, and dead tired: the pillars of a summer day well spent. It got to a point where the very first thing he'd say to me after waking up in the morning was "summer camp!" ...with excited eyes and a big, toothy grin, of course. It wasn't just the programming and activities that made him so excited to come back every morning, it's the sense of belonging that your crew has given him by being so warm and kind.
The social skills that he's gained over the summer are a direct result of the inclusion program. He's grown so much from his experience at BVG, and we have you and your crew to thank for it.”
Chris – (Parent of a 2023 Inclusion Camper)
“Our son is attending his first year at Bayview Glen and is part of the inclusion program. We are thrilled with the outcome and trust the people he is with. He loves being at camp, made new friends, and has been able to communicate his experiences, all thanks to the staff and programming. Great camp. Great staff. Great time.”
Jon – (Parent of a 2023 Inclusion Camper)

you belong here
Join one of Toronto's longest running day camps. For over 60 summers, we've been the reason why thousands of children and their families count down the days until summer. So let the countdown begin and get ready for a wonder-filled summer!