Privacy Policy

Bayview Glen Camp recognizes that trust in our camp is fundamental to our relationship with our customers. We are committed to protecting the privacy and the confidentiality of personal information. We have a designated Privacy Officer responsible for overall personal information protection as well as compliance with Personal Information and Protection of Electronic Documents Act ("PIPEDA").

This Privacy Pledge outlines how we ensure the confidentiality and privacy of the information that is entrusted us with. Full details of our privacy provisions can be found in the Bayview Glen Camp Privacy Policy.

We collect, use, retain and disclose necessary information (including medical information) about your child and your family for the purpose of assisting us in providing the best and most appropriate care for your child. Further specifics about the collection and management of your personal information are included in our Privacy Policy.

We give information only to those who are involved in providing service to your child, or as required by law. Bayview Glen Camp staff are required to sign a Confidentiality Agreement.

Contracted third parties who assist us in providing services to your child must assure us in writing that they have a privacy policy that prevents them from using the information for any other purpose than that for which they were hired.

We do not sell or rent your personal information to any company, organization or individual.

We depend upon you to update any personal or medical information that may change.

We will protect your personal information by security safeguards appropriate to the sensitivity of the information.

We will retain your information throughout and beyond this camp season to help us to communicate with you and to contact you when we feel that we have new information or programs that may be of interest to your family.

We will continue, as in the past, to serve our customers professionally.